坂東 工(ばんどう たくみ、1977年7月25日)は、日本の俳優、アーティスト、キュレーター。
- 2015年、映画『真田十勇士』の衣装製作を依頼される。
- 2016年、映画『忍びの国』にて鈴木亮平 (下山伝兵衛役)の衣装製作を担当。
- 2018年、NHK大河ドラマ『西郷どん』にて渡辺謙(島津斉彬役)の衣装製作を担当。
- 2019年6月、オンライン美術館 iiwiiをオープン、7月NYにて初の iiwii 展を開催。展示会の模様はNHKにて放送された。同年9月には産学連携プロジェクトとして御茶ノ水美術専門学校にて個展を開催。
- 2020年9月、東京中目黒にてブロックチェーン×アートの可能性を追求した個展『つながるピース PEACE&PIECE』を開催。Creema Springsにて行われたクラウドファンディングでは開始45分で25枚の絵画が売切となり、急遽追加で描かれた絵画(25枚)も1日で完売した。
横浜Bayside Warehouseにてライブペイント開催。
Bando Takumi (born July 25, 1977) is a Japanese actor, artist and curator.
Representative of MORIYA Co., Ltd.
Born in Tokyo. After graduating from Nihon University College of Art, moved to the United States. Returned to Japan in 2007.
Started his art activities in 2011 from his experience of hunting and mining with Native Americans in the United States. In the same year, he held his first solo exhibition. Received the Encouragement Award at the Kawasaki City Art Exhibition for the work "Ikiru".
- In 2015, he was commissioned to make costumes for the movie “Sanada Ten Braves”.
- In 2016, in charge of costume production for Ryohei Suzuki (role of Denbei Shimoyama) in the movie “Shinobi no Kuni”.
- In 2018, he was in charge of costume production for Ken Watanabe (role of Nariakira Shimazu) in the NHK historical drama “Segodon”.
- In June 2019, the online museum iiwii opened, and in July the first iiwii exhibition was held in New York. The exhibition was broadcast on NHK. In September of the same year, a solo exhibition was held at Ochanomizu Art College as an industry-academia collaboration project.
- In September 2020, he held a solo exhibition “Peace & Piece, Connected” in Nakameguro, Tokyo, which explored the possibilities of blockchain and art. At the crowdfunding held at Creema Springs, 25 paintings were sold out within 45 minutes, and the additional.
paintings (25 paintings) were also sold out in one day.
Currently, I am creating a painting called "I will draw your aura" in a session format. We provide 5 to 10 paintings per month.
In April 2021, he created his first mural in the underground mall of Yokohama Station.
In 2022, a 17m mural will be created at the new office building of Fujitsu Limited.
In the same year, held a solo exhibition at Aoyama Eric Rose.
Live painting at Yokohama Bayside Warehouse.